Chicago Trend

Shopper and Neighborhood Choice Survey

The TREND Shopper and Neighborhood Choice Survey is a critical component of the TREND data and analytic services, as the results are used to develop the sophisticated predictive models and understand the choices of consumers and households.

The survey responses provide a detailed picture of shoppers’ demographic characteristics (where they live, work, move from and to, own vs. rent their homes, own car, etc.) and their shopping patterns. The responses are numerous enough to evaluate the determinants of shopping and neighborhood choices and to rank the productivity and attractiveness of neighborhood retail corridors. The survey gives TREND unique insight into shopping habits, demographic transitions, and residential neighborhood choices. The analytical models based on the survey provide insight into shoppers’ preferences and why they make the choices they do, as well as preferences about residential location and why they chose the neighborhoods in which they live.

The first wave was completed in 2013 by surveying over 8,600 respondents who made 17,000 store visits. The survey collects detailed information on shoppers’ store and neighborhood choices and covers all races and neighborhoods of Chicago. The survey is expanded annually and is in progress now with a goal of 8,500 respondents.

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